---=== Oldorf Must Die ===---

A proud member of TRA-TANR since the beginning.

My site isnt realy browser dependent, but get the latest anyway and remember to enable java, also: the bigger the browser window the better it is.

PS! If you need to know when my pages change, then use this page/frame as a reference, and use one of the many services found on the net!, the path to this page: document.write(document.location); .


12. May 20012

  • Virus :O I got a virus on my homepages/domains ARGH!
  • Makes u wonder if the virus companies, add the virus themselves ...
  • Virus's removed grrrr.

April 20012

  • 12. May
    • Virus :O I got a virus on my homepages ARGH!
    • Makes u wonder if the virus companies, add the virus themselves ...
    • Virus's removed grrrr.